Friday, May 22, 2009

And the Results are In!

Well, our TAKS scores finally came in.  I was hoping for more, but in the end our 9th graders improved 9 points, 10th improved 7 points, and 11th had a decrease of 4 points.  I am hoping and praying these scores will be enough to meet federal AYP and get us off of the "unacceptable" status with Texas Education Agency.  We won't know until all the sub groups are broken down.  

I had some real heartbreakers in my remedial classes.  Out of 57 enrolled in the class, 38 passed and the rest failed.  Of the 19 who failed, there are 5 who I cannot figure out for the life of me how they did not meet the standard.  They were scoring in the 70's and 80's on all the practice tests.  It was so sad for them because I know they did their best.  They were really disheartened and said they didn't know how they would ever pass the exit level test.   One even said he felt like quitting school because this was the first year he'd had ever given it everything he had and he still failed math and science.  

I truly believe when I get personal results back, we will see a big improvement in their scores from last year to this year.  I keep telling myself that last year 100% of these kids failed the state assessment so the fact that 38 passed this year should make me happy.  It is just disheartening when I think of the 19 who failed.  I keep wondering if there was something I could have done differently.  At least they are only 10th graders and they have one more year before their exit level exam.  I think with another year of math instruction and another year of maturity, they will be right where they need to be to pass their exit level exam.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I'm teaching repeater geometry kids and no one really expects them to do well on the regents, except me. I so want them all, even the dingbats to pass.
